Friday, October 18, 2013

Zippo 500 Millionth Lighter. During the same year.

Good things preferably come in a pair. An occasion occurred during 2012 marked another milestone of Zippo mfg's success, after celebration of their 80th Anniversary. This event fell on 5 June 2012 alongside with Zippo founder George G. Blaisdell's birthday, is the company's production of a legendary 500 Millionth Zippo windproof lighter.

Actual 500 Millionth windproof lighter is on display in Zippo case museum. On that same day, Zippo mfg rolled out replicas in two numbered editions. One's an exact copy of the actual, another's of armor casings in much fewer numbers.

This is an official media's image of the actual 500 Millionth lighter that freshly came out of production line, media & press worldwide witnessing it's manufacture. * Noting the bottom stamp unique from the regular ones. It is a commemorative used on all regular casings (except armor) especially the numbered series, manufactured during that day of 5 July 2012. 

picture from

Here's one which is an exact replica of the real 500 Millionth. 

This occurs to be the 36234th produced. 

Brief statements behind the box.

Armor editions were made in fewer quantities, commanding higher prices for it's much lavish packaging including a raw brass blank (Piece of brass before shaping for the lighter's case took place)

Picture from

Yet to know the exact numbers produced for these 2 replica series. 

Will we still live to see Zippo's 1st Billionth windproof lighter? 

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